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Elspec Investigator Software Informer

ELSPEC Investigator Software 
  • Firewall friendly and can be easily used over local LAN and/or over the Internet
  • Provides an Immediate, understandable picture of everything that happens within the network
  • Offers a clear and instant graphical view of everything that occurred withing the network 

Product Details

ELSPEC Investigator. Elspec Investigator is a client application that communicates, receives, and displays data from the PQSCADA server system . The communication performed uses a standard HTTP protocol (port 80), so it is firewall friendly and can be easily used over local LAN and/or over the Internet.

By effectively processing enormous amounts of loggged network data, the PQSCADA Investigator provides an immediate, understandable picture of everything that happnes within the network. All selected parameters from a single or multiple points measuring points are presented on one synchronzied time line, offering operators a clear and instant graphical view of everything that occured withing the network in a selected time frame.

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