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Short-Term Rental of Test Equipments & Instruments

In an endeavour to stay afloat, companies worldwide are seriously evaluating all their purchases based on their capability to offer a measurable and positive return. In this tough economy, any form of additional savings to your business cost could do wonders. You may face unscheduled, new test requirements that have to be achieved within a short period of time without having to go through time consuming investment, complicated applications to purchase the required test equipment. You can count on Supreme Technology for all your requirements as we give you test & measurement equipments on the basis of short-term period for rent. Coming to the quality, our rental test equipments are of the same quality as that of new equipments. Besides our rental test & measurement equipments are continually tested and verified for their performance and quality through regular calibration and maintenance. All our equipments and components comply with the requirements of international directives and standards. Our experts share their expertise and give you the most ideal solution that could fit all your needs. Our period of short term test equipment rental is from 1 day to 6 months depending upon your requirements.

Merits of Short Term Rentals of Electrical & Electronics Test Instruments

  • Immediate availability of wide range of equipments
  • Complete management of calibration, logistics, repair, maintenance, etc
  • Advice on applications from an unbiased partner
  • De-risk of supply of equipments
  • Excellent level of customer & technical support
  • Complete peace of mind with ready to use, calibrated equipment
  • Provides time to move on with other tasks
  • Save money over purchase
  • No need to find capital expenditure
  • Free up the cash for other useful investments
  • Get rid of the costs of ownership
  • Even distribution of cost
  • Operational cost rather than capital cost
  • Efficient cost control by project
  • Suitable for all your needs
  • Access to the latest technology
  • Option to try out equipment
  • Ideal for all types of projects
  • Cover for equipment in repair or calibration
  • Access to full product support
  • Not much credit restriction, in fact it is fewer than financing companies
  • Precise control of monthly cash outflow with expense projections
  • Rental expenses can replace contractual work
  • Fewer credit restrictions than financing companies
  • Rental expenses are 100 percent tax deductible
  • Fraction of the cost to purchase

If you are looking for either short term or Long term rental of test equipments , please call us at 1800 834 991 or make use of the form provided below so that we get in touch to know your requirements.

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EuroSMC CBL-11 xx 11-Meter Test Connections For The PME-500-TR 
EuroSMC CBL-11 xx 11-Meter Test Connections For The PME-500-TR The standard PME-500-TR test leads are 5 meter long, which provides a convenient connection to most modern medium- and high-...
EuroSMC EDA-III Evaluation Test For Electrical Rotatory Machines 
EuroSMC EDA-III Evaluation Test For Electrical Rotatory Machines The EDA system is ideal for the evaluation and diagnosis of the insulation condition in electrical rotary machines such as...
EuroSMC EMU-100 Current Power Supply In AC 
EuroSMC EMU-100 Current power supply in AC The EMU-100 is a completely electronic unit. The following gives more details of this testing unit: - Complete computer control with its corres...
EuroSMC EMU-25 Current Power Supply In A.C 
EuroSMC EMU-25 Current Power Supply In A.C The EMU-25 is a completely electronic unit. The following gives more details of this testing unit: - Complete computer control with its corre...
EuroSMC EMU-300 Current Power Supply In AC 
EuroSMC EMU-300 Current Power Supply In AC The EMU-300 is a completely electronic unit. The following gives more details of this testing unit: - Complete computer control with its corr...
EuroSMC ETP Test System For Predictive Maintenance In Power Transformers 
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EuroSMC ETP-1 Transformer Turn Ratio Measurement Unit 
EuroSMC ETP-1 Transformer Turn Ratio Measurement Unit The measurement equipment ETP-1, is a unit that automatically performs the following measurements on all types of power, distribution...
EuroSMC ETP-2 Recovery Voltage And Insulation Measuring Unit 
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EuroSMC ETP-3 Winding Resistance Measurement Unit 
EuroSMC ETP-3 Winding Resistance Measurement Unit The measurement equipment ETP-3 is a unit that automatically performs the following measurements in all type of power, distribution, or i...
EuroSMC ETP-4 Short Circuit Impedance Measurement Unit 
EuroSMC ETP-4 Short Circuit Impedance Measurement Unit The measurement equipment ETP-4 is a unit that automatically performs the following measurements in all type of power, distribution,...
EuroSMC EUROFAULT Transient Playback Software In COMTRADE Format 
EuroSMC EUROFAULT Transient Playback Software In COMTRADE Format The UNO is a comprehensive, portable Single-phase test system capable of testing all types of single phase protective rela...
EuroSMC FAA-CAL Calibration and Adjustment Software 
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